NAMI Mercer welcomes undergraduate and graduate student interns who are interested in a career in the mental health field and/or nonprofit arena. We offer a flexible schedule and an experience that is tailored to meet the specific interests, talents, and skills of each student intern.
To explore the possibility of interning with NAMI Mercer, please email our Executive Director, Janet Haag. Include your resume and and a little information about yourself, as well as what you hope to gain from your experience. Once your internship has been confirmed (and only then), you will be instructed to click on the link below to complete the Internship Confirmation Form and secure your placement.

An internship provides opportunities to:
- Engage in a more rewarding educational experience
- Develop knowledge, competencies, and experience in your chosen field (psychology, psychiatry, counseling, social work, theology, public health, nonprofit management, and more,..)
- Gain practical employment experience
- Explore your career goals working alongside professionals and volunteers in the field
- Achieve confidence and make a smoother transition to the workforce
- Create a network of professional contacts
- Be part of a compassionate, supportive team
- Make a positive difference in the community
Internship opportunities include:
- Responding to Helpline inquiries
- Facilitating a support group
- Making a presentation
- Helping with special events: Night Out with NAMI, NAMIWalks, and Harvest of Hope
- Managing a social media campaign
- Writing grants
- Marketing programs and events
- Tabling outreach events to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and introduce people to NAMI Mercer
- Advocating through policy research, communication with legislators, and participation in public hearings
- Assisting with administrative tasks
- Maintaining our resource library