Hearing Voices Support Group
Do you hear voices?

A new approach to treatment
NAMI Mercer is participating in a new movement that began in Holland and has spread to the United Kingdom and the United States. Known as the “Hearing Voices Network (HVN),” this approach involves self-help among voice-hearers and is based on the integrity and dignity of all individuals participating in support groups. Led by trained peers, HVN support groups help voice hearers to negotiate and live with their voices. Participants gain a better understanding of the voice-hearing phenomenon and learn how to work with (even talk back to) their voices.
NAMI Mercer's Hearing Voices Support Group
Our Hearing Voices Support Group meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, is peer-driven, and all discussions remain totally confidential. All new members are asked to register online. Call 609.799.8994 by 10:00 AM the day of the meeting to confirm attendance using your first name and phone number. (A minimum of 3 attendees are required for the group to meet.)