Families Meeting the Challenge of Mental Illness
Mindful Expressions Support Group & Making Connections Support Group: Event Description: General Support Group for Caregivers of a loved one with a mental illness. Group meets every Monday each month at 5:15pm via Zoom. Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting ID: 825 5872 0111, Passcode: 12345 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82558720111?pwd=N01jazVkN1hCOHRUNFoxMXU1N2UyZz09
General Support Group for Caregivers of a loved one with a mental illness. The group meets virtually every Monday from 5:15-6:30, and every Tuesday from 5:15-6:30pm either virtually or in person at the NAMI Mercer Center. Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting ID: 825 5872 0111, Passcode: 12345 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82558720111?pwd=N01jazVkN1hCOHRUNFoxMXU1N2UyZz09
Just Parents is a parent-driven family-focused program to support parents/caregivers who are concerned about their kids' struggles with anxiety, depression and/or emotional dysregulation. NAMI Mercer hosts regular monthly meetings of Just Parents, providing parents/caregivers who are concerned about their child's mental health and well-being valuable peer connections and the opportunity to share insights and resources […]
Empathy Network is a support group for individuals living with depression and similar challenges. Group members will have the opportunity to share their experiences and gain support from other participants, as well as learn new coping skills and strategies to foster wellbeing. Facilitator Laurie Goldman will lead the group in a supportive, safe, confidential setting. […]
General Support Group for Caregivers of a loved one with a mental illness. The group meets virtually every Monday from 5:15-6:30, and every Tuesday from 5:15-6:30pm either virtually or in person at the NAMI Mercer Center. Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting ID: 825 5872 0111, Passcode: 12345 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82558720111?pwd=N01jazVkN1hCOHRUNFoxMXU1N2UyZz09
Common Thread Psychoeducation Group: Event Description: Psychoeducation Group for Caregivers of a loved one with a mental illness. Group meets every Tuesday at 5:15pm via Zoom and also in-person at the NAMI Mercer Office. NAMI Office in MC: 1235 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road, Bldg. C, Suite 303, Hamilton, NJ Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting ID: 811 1047 2645, […]
Support Group for Caregivers that have a loved one with a personality disorder diagnosis. Host: Chelsea Kennedy Group meets 4th Wednesday each month at 5:15pm via Zoom and also in-person at the NAMI Mercer Office. Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting ID: 896 9271 1244, Passcode: 12345 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89692711244?pwd=eTNzT2NjM3pkKzRLMEVzcjlNbWsrQT09
Families Coping with Personality Disorder: Event Description: Support Group for Caregivers that have a loved one with a personality disorder diagnosis. Host: Chelsea Kennedy Group meets 4th Wednesday each month at 5:15pm via Zoom Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting ID: 896 9271 1244, Passcode: 12345 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89692711244?pwd=eTNzT2NjM3pkKzRLMEVzcjlNbWsrQT09
Families Coping with Personality Disorder: Event Description: Support Group for Caregivers that have a loved one with a personality disorder diagnosis. Host: Chelsea Kennedy Group meets 4th Thursday each month at 5:15pm via Zoom Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting ID: 896 9271 1244, Passcode: 12345 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89692711244?pwd=eTNzT2NjM3pkKzRLMEVzcjlNbWsrQT09