Families Meeting the Challenge of Mental Illness
General Support Group for Caregivers of a loved one with a mental illness. The group meets virtually every Monday from 5:15-6:30, and every Tuesday from 5:15-6:30pm either virtually or in person at the NAMI Mercer Center. Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting ID: 825 5872 0111, Passcode: 12345 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82558720111?pwd=N01jazVkN1hCOHRUNFoxMXU1N2UyZz09
General Support Group for Caregivers of a loved one with a mental illness. The group meets virtually every Monday from 5:15-6:30, and every Tuesday from 5:15-6:30pm either virtually or in person at the NAMI Mercer Center. Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting ID: 825 5872 0111, Passcode: 12345 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82558720111?pwd=N01jazVkN1hCOHRUNFoxMXU1N2UyZz09
For those ages 16+who struggle with an unhealthy preoccupation with food, weight, or appearance. This will be a 6-week mini-series starting on March 1st and ending on April 5th. The group will meet from 4-5pm.