Families Meeting the Challenge of Mental Illness
General Support Group for Caregivers of a loved one with a mental illness. The group meets virtually every Monday from 5:15-6:30, and every Tuesday from 5:15-6:30pm either virtually or in person at the NAMI Mercer Center. Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting ID: 825 5872 0111, Passcode: 12345 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82558720111?pwd=N01jazVkN1hCOHRUNFoxMXU1N2UyZz09
General Support Group for Caregivers of a loved one with a mental illness. The group meets virtually every Monday from 5:15-6:30, and every Tuesday from 5:15-6:30pm either virtually or in person at the NAMI Mercer Center. Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting ID: 825 5872 0111, Passcode: 12345 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82558720111?pwd=N01jazVkN1hCOHRUNFoxMXU1N2UyZz09
Recovery support group for adults living with mental illness. The group can meet virtually via Ring Central or in person at the NAMI Mercer Center on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 2pm. The group will also meet only virtually on the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7pm.