Families Meeting the Challenge of Mental Illness
NAMI Mercer is grateful for the generosity of more than 200 volunteers who support every aspect of our mission and contribute more than 10,000 hours of service annually. Their value to us and to the community is priceless!
Volunteer opportunities include:
Teaching a class
Facilitating a support group
Making a presentation
Organizing events
Assisting with administrative tasks
Responding to Helpline inquiries
Serving on committees such as Finance, Advocacy, Development, Programs & Services, and Public Awareness
Assisting with special events such as Night Out with NAMI, NAMIWalks, and Harvest of Hope
Tabling outreach events to raise awareness, reduce stigma and tell others about NAMI
Advocating for persons affected by mental illness through policy research, communication with legislators, and participation in public hearings
Maintaining our resource library
Contact the office to RSVP and to confirm that there are no cancellations: 609-799-8994 X10